Title: Social-Pedagogical Significance of Future Teacher's Scientific World-View
Abstract:This article is about modern pedagogues who should serve as a role model for students not only in educational process but also in scientificcreative process, and this is a requirement of today. Moreov...This article is about modern pedagogues who should serve as a role model for students not only in educational process but also in scientificcreative process, and this is a requirement of today. Moreover, nowadays every member of society is increasingly exposed to the influence of scientific and technological achievements. XXI century is intellectual development century; people who live in this century appear as a result of their intellectual and creative abilities. If all steps starting from scientifictheoretical works of scientific research up to application of achieved results are conducted based on the model of students' scientific research works, this research work is considered done successfully. The necessity of training professional experts in connection with this fact is stated by scientists. Keywords: science, scientific idea, scientific research, scientific worldview, future teacher, scientific world � view of future teacher. Organization of students' scientificcreative activ ity in higher educational institutions are coordinated by the law On education, National program on training cadres, State program Year of the youth, regulations of higher educational institutions and this tentative regulations. For instance, main goal of the State program Year of the is to prepare the younger generation to be powerful enough to reflect features and virtues, peculiar to only our nation, to fulfill nation's eternal dreams and to solve any problems this nation may face today and tomorrow. Program's sixth section is devoted to works with the talented youth and development of conductive conditions for determining creative skills from their early ages (see Table 1). Thorough observation of scientific researches, conducted during independence years indicate that training harmonized person was considered as of paramount importance. During researches, if not grounded on certain methodology, they won't be efficient as was expected. For this reason, it is necessary to create an idea among pupils about existing methodological bases and approaches.Read More