Title: Emerging Trends and Innovations in Teacher Education
Abstract:Teacher education is a program related with teacher proficiency and competence that would make them competent enough to face new challenges in the education. Now a days the field of education is not o...Teacher education is a program related with teacher proficiency and competence that would make them competent enough to face new challenges in the education. Now a days the field of education is not only limited with books but has broadened in various new horizons. Development and changes in education have affected teacher education necessitating review and reforms. It demands understanding with investigative minds, assimilating the required transformations, accommodating and responding to the universal needs. We also need to train teachers with new perspectives as the outer world is in the classroom and schools are opening to the world. The pre-service and in-service teacher education programs have shown paradigm shift with its emphasis on globalization and individualization. This main purpose of this paper is to indicate main changes that has incurred in teacher education in India and also provide an overview of trends, reforms and innovations in teacher education (integrated teaching, teacher curriculum and teacher innovations). It also discusses the need of teacher education program to be innovative and various practices that can be included. It has been recognized that teacher education program should be structured and modified in a way that enables them to respond dynamically to the new problems and challenges in the field of education, then only teacher can help in national development.Read More