Title: A new species and new record of the water mite genus Lebertia Neuman, 1880 (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Lebertiidae) from China
Abstract:A new species Lebertia extendia n. sp. is described and illustrated and Lebertia (Pilolebertia) inaequalis Koch, 1837 is reported for the first time from China. The new species can be distinguished fr...A new species Lebertia extendia n. sp. is described and illustrated and Lebertia (Pilolebertia) inaequalis Koch, 1837 is reported for the first time from China. The new species can be distinguished from other species by the mediodistal seta inserted close to the ventrodistal seta and the extended posterior margin of Cx-IV and the larger number of swimming setae on II-leg-5. Furthermore, a key to the Lebertia species of China is provided.Read More