Title: A New Strategy to Explore Tight Oil/Gas Reservoirs-Fit for Purpose Acid Fracturing
Abstract:Marginal and unconventional reservoirs can have lots of resource potential and reserves, but may require horizontal well drilling, and/or multiple stage hydraulic fracturing to achieve economic produc...Marginal and unconventional reservoirs can have lots of resource potential and reserves, but may require horizontal well drilling, and/or multiple stage hydraulic fracturing to achieve economic production targets. This type of strategy is more expensive than conventional method(s) and is proven in some circles as potentially risky and many of these risks must be addressed and mitigated. In an effort to reduce risks and costs associated with the exploration process, a new stimulation strategy has been adopted for unconventional and tight intervals to explore and appraise these intervals using vertical wells and fir for purpose fracturing prior to going to horizontal wells.Read More