Title: State of Individual Health, Cardiorespiratory System of Junior Schoolchildren in the Far North with Different Temperament Trait Indices
Abstract:The article presents an integrative health assessment with measurement of the indices of santiveness and pativeness, studies heart rate variability (HRV) and respiratory function in junior schoolchild...The article presents an integrative health assessment with measurement of the indices of santiveness and pativeness, studies heart rate variability (HRV) and respiratory function in junior schoolchildren if the Far North with different temperament trait indices. It was found that junior schoolchildren in the Far North had an interrelation between typological characteristics of temperament and the standard of health, mechanisms of regulation of cardiac rhythm and functional indices of external respiration.Junior schoolchildren in the Far North, whose temperament is characterized by the low intensity of behavioural symptoms, have higher adaptive reserves, functional indices of external respiration and predominant parasympathetic influence in the regulation of heart rate.Thus, the results of the study have shown that the formation of temperament types occurs in the early school years, which may affect the efficiency of adaptive reactions of children living in the Far North and the state of their personal health.Read More