Title: The Influence of Bondholder-Shareholder Conflict Over Dividend Policy to Accounting Conservatism
Abstract:This study tries to examine (he influence of bondholder- stockholder conflict over di>idend policy to the implementation of accounting conservatism. The examination uses the regression model that rela...This study tries to examine (he influence of bondholder- stockholder conflict over di>idend policy to the implementation of accounting conservatism. The examination uses the regression model that relates independent variables to dependent variable. The dependent variable is accounting
conservatism and the independent variable is bondholder stockholder conflict over dividend policy. Accounting conservatism is measured by accruals based conservatism.
Bondholder-stockholder conflict over dividend policy is measured by three proxies, ie uncertainty of operation, dividend, and leverage. The model also includes three control variables of profitability, firm size, and sales growth. This study uses secondary data, financial statement of non-financial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at December 31, 2011-2012. The result of this study indicates that three proxies of bondholder-stockholder conflict over dividend policy are positively Influence accounting conservatism.
Profitability and sales growth also significantly influence accounting conservatism. This result indicates that the higher the bondholder-stockholder conflict over dividend policy, the higher tendency that firm implement more conservative accounting.Read More