Title: A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Initiative in Universiti Utara Malaysia : The Role of In-class Teaching Consultant
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to show some findings on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) initiative in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), a specialized management public university in northern ...The aim of this paper is to show some findings on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) initiative in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), a specialized management public university in northern Peninsular Malaysia.UUM is regarded by some scholars as an example of a learning organization.Funds are made available by UUM for lecturers to create projects to improve classroom teaching and learning.This paper is earmarked to improve the teaching competency of international lecturers who joined UUM for the first time.The project was on "in-class teaching consultant" for a course labeled as "Performance Management".Focus group interviews were conducted on 36 postgraduate students who took the course.Ninety (90) percent of the interviewees agreed that the course instructor became effective in his teaching with the presence of the "in-class teaching consultant" (ITC).Read More