Title: On “sex” and “sexuality” in China: A conversation with Pan Suiming
Abstract:Pan Suiming, a professor at the Institute for Sexological Research (People's University of China, Beijing) is widely regarded, by Chinese and Western scholars alike, as a leading exponent in the newly...Pan Suiming, a professor at the Institute for Sexological Research (People's University of China, Beijing) is widely regarded, by Chinese and Western scholars alike, as a leading exponent in the newly emerging field of sexological research and sex education in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Besides lecturing in the field of sexological research, he has written various articles on the nature of sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors in China and has published two major texts: Zhongguo xing xianzhuang (The state of sex in China) and Xing—Ni zhen dongle ma? (Sex—Do you really know what it means?)Read More
Title: $On “sex” and “sexuality” in China: A conversation with Pan Suiming
Abstract: Pan Suiming, a professor at the Institute for Sexological Research (People's University of China, Beijing) is widely regarded, by Chinese and Western scholars alike, as a leading exponent in the newly emerging field of sexological research and sex education in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Besides lecturing in the field of sexological research, he has written various articles on the nature of sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors in China and has published two major texts: Zhongguo xing xianzhuang (The state of sex in China) and Xing—Ni zhen dongle ma? (Sex—Do you really know what it means?)