Title: The Effect of Premature Loss of Deciduous Canines and Molars on the Eruption of the Second Molars
Abstract:Analysis of dental casts for 126 subjects recorded longitudinally at 6-monthly intervals from 5 to 15 years showed that the loss of deciduous canines and molars had on average a minimal accelerating e...Analysis of dental casts for 126 subjects recorded longitudinally at 6-monthly intervals from 5 to 15 years showed that the loss of deciduous canines and molars had on average a minimal accelerating effect on the eruption of the second permanent molars. Alteration in the eruption order of the second permanent molars in relation to the second pre-molars was more likely to be due to retardation or acceleration of eruption of the successional teeth as a result of premature loss of their predecessors.Read More