Title: Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing near Its Tip Using Panel Method
Abstract:The aerodynamic characteristics around a wing tip are investigated with a first order panel method. The geometry chosen for the study is a rectangular wing of aspect ratio 8.43, with RAF6 airfoil of 1...The aerodynamic characteristics around a wing tip are investigated with a first order panel method. The geometry chosen for the study is a rectangular wing of aspect ratio 8.43, with RAF6 airfoil of 10% thickness ratio. The panel method gives similar aerodynamic characteristics to experimental ones even near the tip, such as very low pressure distribution existing near trailing edge around the tip, and increase in local lift and drag at the very narrow region of the tip. These properties are caused by the strong spanwise velocity component around the wing tip, the inviscid effects of which are described in detail, with respect to pressure coefficient, local lift and drag coefficients, downwash, and vorticity on the wing.Read More