Title: Chlorhexidine - An antiseptic in periodontics
Abstract:Studies have demonstrated that plaque microorganisms are the primary etiologic factors associated with human periodontal disease, plaque must be removed on a consistent basis as a preventative measure...Studies have demonstrated that plaque microorganisms are the primary etiologic factors associated with human periodontal disease, plaque must be removed on a consistent basis as a preventative measure.Unfortunately, routine use of oral hygiene aids (e.g.toothbrush, floss, etc.) to control plaque have not been entirely successful.Accordingly, the search for alternative methods, such as chemotherapeutic agents, to control plaque has been extensive.Of the many chemical agents that have been evaluated to determine their effects on plaque, gingivitis and adult periodontitis, Chlorhexidine (CHX) have been successfully introduced and extensively researched.Chlorhexidine have been used to aid in controlling plaque build-up.They have been used to complement, not replace mechanical therapy.Read More