Title: Jess and Illizarov in Neglected /Relapsed Ctev: A Prospective Comparative Study
Abstract:Background: Neglected and relapsed club feet deformities remains a difficult problem even for the most experience surgeon .Our purpose of this studies was to evaluate the role of jess and illizarov fo...Background: Neglected and relapsed club feet deformities remains a difficult problem even for the most experience surgeon .Our purpose of this studies was to evaluate the role of jess and illizarov for correction of deformities in neglected / relapsed ctev .Methods and Material: This prospective study was conducted in SMS hospital attached to SMS Medical College, Jaipur from April 2012 -September 2013.21 patients (n=28 feet) were included.Average age was below 8 year (range 3 to12 years).Unilateral feet and male were more in this study.Results: Severity of the deformities and outcome was assessed by dimeglio score.In Illizarov group (n=15) result were excellent (27%), good(23%), fair (13%) and poor (20%).inJess group( n=11), result were excellent(15%) , Good(23%), fair(23%) and poor(39%) . Conclusions: External fixators are versatile technique for correction of deformities in neglected/relapsed CTEVRead More