Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectrum of 3-Chloropyridine. An Application of Microwave-Microwave Double Resonance Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
Abstract:Abstract We redetermined the rotational and the chlorine-35 and nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of 3-chloropyridine. The values are A = 5839.5330(12) MHz, B = 1604.1875(6) MHz, and C...Abstract We redetermined the rotational and the chlorine-35 and nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of 3-chloropyridine. The values are A = 5839.5330(12) MHz, B = 1604.1875(6) MHz, and C = 1258.3121 (5) MHz for the rotational constants, and χ aa (Cl) = - 72.255(19) MHz, χ bb (Cl) = + 38.500(13) MHz, χ cc (Cl) = + 33.755(23) MHz and χ aa (N) = - 0.009(13) MHz, χ bb (N) = - 3.473(10) MHz, χ CC (N) = + 3.482(16) MHz for the chlorine-35 and nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole coupling constants, respectively. Application of double resonance modulation technique is shown to greatly simplify the assignment of hyperfine structure components even of weak rotational transitions.Read More