Title: A Case Study on Combustion Instability of a Model Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor with Open Source Code OSCILOS
Abstract:Combustion instability is a major issue in design and maintenance of gas turbine combustors for efficient operation with low emissions. With the thermoacoustic view point the instability is induced by...Combustion instability is a major issue in design and maintenance of gas turbine combustors for efficient operation with low emissions. With the thermoacoustic view point the instability is induced by the interaction of the unsteady heat release of the combustion process and the change in the acoustic pressure in the combustion chamber. In an effort to study the combustion dynamics of gas turbine combustors, Morgans et al (2014) have developed OSCILOS (open source combustion instability low order simulator) code and it is currently available online. In this study the code has been utilized to predict the combustion instability of a reported case for lean premixed gas turbine combustion, and then its prediction results have been compared with the corresponding experimental data. It turned out that both the predicted and the experimental combustion instability results agree well. Further the effects of some typical inlet acoustic boundary conditions on the prediction have been investigated briefly. It is believed that the validity and effectiveness of the open source code is reconfirmed through this benchmark test.Read More