Title: Analysis and Experiment on Magnetic Levitation Suspension using Differential Electromotive Force.
Abstract:Many studies on the magnetic levitation (maglev) suspension of electric dynamic systems have been reported. Most of them are concern about systems in which ground coils for levitation are arranged on ...Many studies on the magnetic levitation (maglev) suspension of electric dynamic systems have been reported. Most of them are concern about systems in which ground coils for levitation are arranged on the bottom of the guideway. In the new type of maglev suspension, ground coils for levitation are arranged on the sidewall of the guideway. This kind of suspension has not been investigated precisely yet. In this paper, we apply the strategy for the previous system to the new system and design a experimental device to measure electromagnetic forte in the new system. The results of calculation and measurement are clarified; and the effectiveness of the strategy of analysis for the new system is verified.Read More