Title: Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan Together with Those of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon. Volume 1, Divers to Hawks Salim Ali S. Dillon Ripley
Abstract:1 col.map of vegetation types, numerous sketches and range maps.$13.90.•This ambitious work, intended to comprise 10 volumes of 400 pages each, carries on the tradition of E. C. Stuart Baker's "Fauna ...1 col.map of vegetation types, numerous sketches and range maps.$13.90.•This ambitious work, intended to comprise 10 volumes of 400 pages each, carries on the tradition of E. C. Stuart Baker's "Fauna of British India, birds, 2nd ed." (1922-31, 8 volumes), referred to henceforth (as it is by Dr. Ali !) as the FBI.We gather from a historical summary and acknowledgments that Dr.All has written the text, that it is based on Dr. Ripley's "A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan" (Bombay Nat.Hist.So½., 1961), that the keys are the work of Dr. RipleyRead More