Title: Control of cell proliferation, cell expansion, and leaf size
Abstract:Summary: Determinate growth of leaves means that the number and size of their constituent cells must be preciselycontrolled in order to develop to a reproducible size. In the past few years, many muta...Summary: Determinate growth of leaves means that the number and size of their constituent cells must be preciselycontrolled in order to develop to a reproducible size. In the past few years, many mutants and genes involved in the control of cell proliferation and cell expansion in leaves have been identified. In addition, several mutants show an intriguing phenomenon, known as compensated cell enlargement where the reduced number of leaf cells triggers excess cell expansion in leaves. This phenomenon suggests that there is a regulatory system that coordinate cell proliferation and cell expansion. In this review we summarize current knowledge concerning the regulation of cell proliferation and cell expansion and discuss possible mechanisms for compensated cell enlargement. Arabidopsis thaliana, Cell expansion, Cell proliferation, Compensated cell enlargementRead More