Title: Atatürk Dönemi Türkiye'sinde Toprak Mülkiyet Dağılımı İle İlgili Bazı Düzenlemeler
Abstract:During the foundation years of the Turkish Republic %80 of the population lived in the country.Nearly all these citizens earned their livelihood from the land.The Turkish Republic had inherited an unf...During the foundation years of the Turkish Republic %80 of the population lived in the country.Nearly all these citizens earned their livelihood from the land.The Turkish Republic had inherited an unfair land ownership system from the Ottoman Empire.Stating from the early years of the Republic legal adjustments enhancing the private ownership of land.In one of his talks concerning the matter Atatürk pointed out the importance of each farmer owning enough land to sustain his livelihood.Work concerning distribution of land was undertaken under Atatürk's orders.By 1938 governments distributed important amount of land to the villagers.This land belonged to the State; the land belonging to big landowners was not touched.Such land projects have contributed to the overcoming of the corrupt land system to a certain extent.Read More