Title: Correlates of Cryptosporidium spp and Giardia spp contamination in improved drinking water sources in rural India: implications for universal access to improved sanitation and safe drinking water
Abstract:Background As part of the Total Sanitation Campaign (1999–2012), the Indian Government promoted construction and use of tens of millions of household latrines to improve public health in rural communi...Background As part of the Total Sanitation Campaign (1999–2012), the Indian Government promoted construction and use of tens of millions of household latrines to improve public health in rural communities, areas where tubewells are often the main source of drinking water. In this study, we aimed to identify causes of tubewell contamination with the protozoal diarrhoeal pathogens, Cryptosporidium spp and Giardia spp in a coastal area in Puri District, Odisha, India.Read More