Title: Oxidation of the manganese ore deposits of Taki mine, Iwate Prefecture
Abstract:The bedded manganese deposits of Taki, Iwote Prefecture, occur in the banded chert of paleozoic age. In the upper zone of the deposits, the ore consists of amorphous manganese dioxide mineral, cryptom...The bedded manganese deposits of Taki, Iwote Prefecture, occur in the banded chert of paleozoic age. In the upper zone of the deposits, the ore consists of amorphous manganese dioxide mineral, cryptomelane, pyrolusìte, yokosukalite and birnessite, but in the lower zone, it consists mainly of the manganese dioxide minerals mentioned above and rhodonite with a small quantity of rhodochrosite, tephroite, jacobsite, hausmannite, galaxite, alabandite, spessartine, penwithite and goethite. It is considered that the manganese dioxide minerals are altered from rhodonite ores by weathering. The rhodonite ore was altered first into amorphous manganese dioxide mineral and thence into cryptomelane, pyrolusite, yokosukalite and birnessite.Read More