Title: The Influences of Hydrolysis on Partial Glycerides Composition in Rice Bran Oils
Abstract:The changes of the contents of partial glycerides were investigated about rice bran oils of which the extent of hydrolysis was different.Namely, rice bran which was obtained immediately after the rice...The changes of the contents of partial glycerides were investigated about rice bran oils of which the extent of hydrolysis was different.Namely, rice bran which was obtained immediately after the rice-cleaning was stored at 25°C and crude oils were extracted from eight bran samples taken up according to circumstances during storage of 18 days. Subsequently, acid value and hydroxyl value of the each oil were determined, and the amount of the mono-, di-, and tri-glyceride in them were determined further.The results showed that acid values and hydroxyl values of extracted oils were within 7.896 and 630, respectively, contents of mono-, and di-glyceride in them were within 12.5% and 613%, respectively ; the most part of monoglyceride was assumed as α-type and a small quantity of β-type was assumed in the early stage of the hydrolysis.Read More