Title: Petrography of the Himekami pluton in the northwest Kitakami Mountains.
Abstract:The Himekami pluton is a complex of mafic rocks and their differentiated felsic rocks, which belong to shoshonite rock association. The pluton is devided into three bodies: South pluton, North pluton ...The Himekami pluton is a complex of mafic rocks and their differentiated felsic rocks, which belong to shoshonite rock association. The pluton is devided into three bodies: South pluton, North pluton and Shiroishi pluton. The South pluton, consisting mainly of monzonite, monzogabbro, quartz monzonite and quartz monzodiorite, is classified genetically into four groups of mafic and felsic rocks. Each rock group accompanies a few amounts of xenolithic mass of cumulated, ultramafic rocks and melagabbro. The North pluton is a zoned pluton of quartz monzonite, granite and granodiorite. The Shiroishi pluton is a leucocratic tonalite-granodiorite.Read More