Title: Employee Branding Through Talent Management for Customer Satisfaction
Abstract:The meaning of Employee branding to the company is actually the image of an organization for the people working in the organization.It is this reputation that the companies make of themselves inside t...The meaning of Employee branding to the company is actually the image of an organization for the people working in the organization.It is this reputation that the companies make of themselves inside their premises that are also carried outside to the customers, the clients and also the others who are affected by the proceedings of the company.Hence, one can say that within the company, employee branding is done to attract the employees, and also for their subsequent retention in times to come so as to improve the company's image as far as customer satisfaction is concerned.The management has to understand a very simple fact that it can't lay a narrow focus on the employee branding because it is very critical for overall business strategy of the company.One must keep another fact clear that if employee branding is only considered to be a part of the recruitment process and not emphasized as Talent management and then given the back seat, there will be too many cases of absenteeism resulting in subsequent resignations at frequent intervals along with the high employee turnover.Read More