Title: Oxidation of Nickel and Ni-Cr and Ni-Na Alloys at High Temperatures
Abstract:Oxidation kinetics of high purity nickel, as well as the nonstoichiometry and chemical diffusion in nickel oxide, have been studied as a function of temperature (1373-1673 K) and oxygen pressure (10-1...Oxidation kinetics of high purity nickel, as well as the nonstoichiometry and chemical diffusion in nickel oxide, have been studied as a function of temperature (1373-1673 K) and oxygen pressure (10-10 5 Pa) using modern microthermogravimetric techniques.In order to eliminate the possible participation of grain boundary diffusion in scale growth at lower temperatures, the oxidation rate measurements have always been started at highest temperature (1673 K) when coarse-grained scale was formed and the temperature and pressure dependence of the oxidation rate was determined by Vol. 23, No. 1, 2004 Oxidation of Nickel and Ni-Cr and Ni-Na Alloys at High Temperatures results can again be explained in terms of doping effect, by assuming that univalent sodium ions dissolve substitutional ly in cation sublattice of nickel oxide.Read More