Title: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Improved by Changing Immunosuppressant from Calcineurin Inhibitor to Sirolimus in a Kidney Transplantation Recipient
Abstract:Yunmi Kim, M.D., Si Hyeong Lee, M.D., Dong Woo Lee, M.D., Heesoo Jung, M.D., Tae-Seon Oh, M.D., Min Ji Kim, M.D., Ju Yeon Kang, M.D., Sun Woo Kang, M.D. and Yeong Hoon Kim, M.D.. J Korean Soc Transpla...Yunmi Kim, M.D., Si Hyeong Lee, M.D., Dong Woo Lee, M.D., Heesoo Jung, M.D., Tae-Seon Oh, M.D., Min Ji Kim, M.D., Ju Yeon Kang, M.D., Sun Woo Kang, M.D. and Yeong Hoon Kim, M.D.. J Korean Soc Transplant 2015;29:166-9. https://doi.org/10.4285/jkstn.2015.29.3.166Read More