Title: A New Species of Doliocarpus and a New Species of Tetracera (Dilleniaceae) from Brazil
Abstract:During the course of a taxonomic study of the Neotropical species of Dilleniaceae, two new species from Brazil were discovered: Do¬ liocarpus lombardii from the "Mata Atlantica'' and Tetracera boomii ...During the course of a taxonomic study of the Neotropical species of Dilleniaceae, two new species from Brazil were discovered: Do¬ liocarpus lombardii from the "Mata Atlantica'' and Tetracera boomii from the "Mata de Restringa" and "Cerrado" vegetation dominated by Curatella americana L. The two new species are described, illustrated, and compared to closely related spe¬ cies.By its sessile inflorescence Doliocarpus lom¬ bardii is closely related to D. sessiliflorus Martius, but differs from that species in its longer leaf blades (9-22 cm long), densely pubescent on the lower surface; sepals 5, 6-1 1 mm long, ovate or elliptic, adpressed sericeous in midrib internally; and fruit densely hispid.Tetracera boomii is known only from two places in Bahia and Sergipe states, Brazil, and is similar to T. lasiocarpa Eichler in that both bear follicles 1-1.5 cm long, densely hispid at the apex; however, T. boomii dif¬ fers from that species in its leaves rigid-coria¬ ceous, elliptic, aerolate below and margins den¬ tate, inflorescences 1-2 cm long, bracteoles ca.6 mm long, sepals 11-14, filaments 4-5 mm long, and aril completely covering the seed.Read More