Title: New species of Eublaberus Hebard, 1920, new records for the genus and description of the male of E. variegatus R. S. Albuquerque, 1972 (Blaberidae, Blaberinae)
Abstract:A new species of Eublaberus (E. serranus sp. nov), also a new record for the genus in Southern Brazil, is described based on the male genitalia. The name Eublaberus variegata is corrected to Eublaberu...A new species of Eublaberus (E. serranus sp. nov), also a new record for the genus in Southern Brazil, is described based on the male genitalia. The name Eublaberus variegata is corrected to Eublaberus variegatus Rocha e Silva Albuquerque, and the male of the species is described. Illustrations of the genitalia of the two species mentioned are presented and a key to species is also given.Read More