Title: Abusive Supervision and Counterproductive Work Behavior: Moderating Effect of Negative Affectivity
Abstract:In this study, the methods of literature study and questionnaire research are used with foreign mature scale analysis technique. Employees in manufacturing enterprises are surveyed for data collection...In this study, the methods of literature study and questionnaire research are used with foreign mature scale analysis technique. Employees in manufacturing enterprises are surveyed for data collection. Based on 321 valid questionnaires with correlation analysis and linear regression method, effective data collection is achieved and aimed to explore the relationship among abusive supervision, counterproductive work behavior and negative affectivity of the employees. The results showed: abusive supervision and counterproductive work behavior of employees has a significant positive correlation; negative affectivity of employees is an intermediary variable. The significance of the survey in practice is to encourage leaders of enterprises to improve their strategy of management and pay more attention to the mental health of the employees.Read More