Title: Perspectives in Provisions for Science and Technology Education in Nigeria: The Way Forward
Abstract:The promotion of science and technology education is a warmly embraced venture. Nigerianeducational system prioritized science and technology with policies that are favorably disposed toscience and te...The promotion of science and technology education is a warmly embraced venture. Nigerianeducational system prioritized science and technology with policies that are favorably disposed toscience and technology education. The national policy on education and the national policy on scienceand technology made good provisions for science and technology education. Government through theeducation policy empowered the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), the Basic Education,the senior secondary education, technical and scientific education and tertiary education with robustplan for science and technology education in the programmes. (FGN, 2004). The policy came intoexistence in 1977 and education was conceived as an instrument "par excellence" in achieving nationalunity, objectives and goals.Read More