Title: The Non-Maximally-Helicity-Violating One-Loop Seven-Gluon Amplitudes in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Abstract:We compute the non-MHV one-loop seven-gluon amplitudes in N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory, which contain three negative-helicity gluons and four positive-helicity gluons. There are four independent colo...We compute the non-MHV one-loop seven-gluon amplitudes in N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory, which contain three negative-helicity gluons and four positive-helicity gluons. There are four independent color-ordered amplitudes, (---++++), (--+-+++), (--++-++) and (-+-+-++). The MHV amplitudes containing two negative-helicity and five positive-helicity gluons were computed previously, so all independent one-loop seven-gluon helicity amplitudes are now known for this theory. We present partial information about an infinite sequence of next-to-MHV one-loop helicity amplitudes, with three negative-helicity and n - 3 positive-helicity gluons, and the color ordering (---+{center_dot}{center_dot}{center_dot}++); we give a new coefficient of one class of integral functions entering this amplitude. We discuss the twistor-space properties of the box-integral-function coefficients in the amplitudes, which are quite simple and suggestive.Read More