Title: Isl2014Baseline - An Eyetracking Dataset From Facilitating Secondary Geometry Lessons
Abstract:This dataset contains eye-tracking data from a single subject (a researcher), facilitating two geometry lessons in a secondary school classroom, with 11-12 year old students using laptops and a projec...This dataset contains eye-tracking data from a single subject (a researcher), facilitating two geometry lessons in a secondary school classroom, with 11-12 year old students using laptops and a projector. These sessions were recorded in the frame of the MIOCTI project (http://chili.epfl.ch/miocti). This dataset has been used in several scientific works, such as the ECTEL 2015 (http://ectel2015.httc.de/) conference paper "Studying Teacher Orchestration Load in Technology-Enhanced Classrooms: A Mixed-method Approach and Case Study", by Luis P. Prieto, Kshitij Sharma, Yun Wen & Pierre Dillenbourg (the analysis and usage of this dataset is available publicly at https://github.com/chili-epfl/ectel2015-orchestration-school)Read More