Title: A Development of an Integrated Inventory Managing System for Steel-Plates
Abstract:As one of the largest shipbuilding company in the world, STX Offshore & Shipbuilding currently developed an inventory managing system for steel-plates, which is applied to their steel stock yard. In a...As one of the largest shipbuilding company in the world, STX Offshore & Shipbuilding currently developed an inventory managing system for steel-plates, which is applied to their steel stock yard. In a traditional way to manage steel yard, almost every work has been done by manually. The manual steel-plate piling process caused some problems such as process delay due to piling errors and the uncertainty of work plan due to lack of information. To solve these problems, we developed an integrated inventory managing system based on real-time crane tracking system which automatically updates steel-plates' piling status. We built the integrated steel-plate database, developed several programs including steel-plate input program, real-time steel-plate monitoring program and steel-yard management program, and constructed hardware system for tracking magnetic cranes. As a result, a supervisor of steel-yard can manage the inventory of steel-plates efficiently and furthermore plan an efficient piling schedule and crane working schedule.Read More