Title: Exapate bicuspidella sp.n., a new species of Tortricidae from northeastern Finland (Lepidoptera)
Abstract:Exapate bicuspidella sp.n. is described on the basis of 8 specimens reared from larvae collected in 1984-86 at Kuusamo in northeastern Finland. The habitat was coniferous primeval forest interspersed ...Exapate bicuspidella sp.n. is described on the basis of 8 specimens reared from larvae collected in 1984-86 at Kuusamo in northeastern Finland. The habitat was coniferous primeval forest interspersed with bogs with smoothleaved willow (Salix phylicifolia), the host plant of larvae. The male E. bicuspidella differs from that of E. congelatella in details of wing pattern and in wing colour, the female in its darker and smaller appearance. Study of several morphological characters showed that E. congelatella is intermediate between E. bicuspidella and E. duratella of the Alps. The differences in characters are greater between E. bicuspidella and E. congelatella than between the latter and E. duratella. In the genus Exapate the sexual dimorphism of wing-length is most extreme in E. bicuspidella. Two hooks on pupal cremaster are sub basally widened and parallel, in E. congelatella tapering and divergent.Read More