Title: Phytoalexin Accumulation in Omithopus sativus as a Response to Elicitor Treatment
Abstract:An isoflavanoid derivative has been isolated as a phytoalexin from intact plants and cell suspension cultures of Ornithopus sativus after treatment with CuSO 4 , yeast elicitor, or a spore suspension ...An isoflavanoid derivative has been isolated as a phytoalexin from intact plants and cell suspension cultures of Ornithopus sativus after treatment with CuSO 4 , yeast elicitor, or a spore suspension of Colletotrichum trifolii. Based on its physical and spectroscopic properties the substance was identified as glabridin. After induction, the transient in crease in the content of this phytoalex in was preceded by a transient increase in the activities of PAL and CHS.Read More