Title: A Comparison of Military Circumference Equations to Skinfold-Based Equations to Estimate Body Composition
Abstract:Circumference-based military equations (CBEs) were compared with a skinfold-based equation (SBE) to estimate body fat. Objective: We determined the correlation between CBEs and SBE, evaluated the effi...Circumference-based military equations (CBEs) were compared with a skinfold-based equation (SBE) to estimate body fat. Objective: We determined the correlation between CBEs and SBE, evaluated the efficacy of CBE methods, and examined the difference in methods to identify noncompliant personnel. Circumference and skinfold measurements were taken in sequential order for 1,191 male civil service employees (37.9 ± 7.9 years). Results: Percent body fat was estimated for SBE (18.4 ± 6.1) and three different CBEs: Marine Corps (19.6 ± 5.8), Navy/Air Force (20.4 ± 5.8), and Army (20.6 ± 5.2). A moderate correlation coefficient existed between SBE and CBEs (r = 0.76–0.79). A greater body fat percentage was estimated in noncompliant personnel with circumference methods. Conclusions: Data moderately correlate CBEs and SBE. However, CBEs predict higher estimates, resulting in a greater number of personnel classified as noncompliant.Read More