Title: Geomorphology and Vegetation History of the Rypienica Channel, the Dobrzyń Lakeland, North Poland
Abstract:Abstract The article presents the characteristics of the relief of the Rypienica channel (the Dobrzyń Lakeland, North Poland) and the postglacial development of vegetation in this area. The detailed a...Abstract The article presents the characteristics of the relief of the Rypienica channel (the Dobrzyń Lakeland, North Poland) and the postglacial development of vegetation in this area. The detailed analysis of the organic sediments of the peat-bog vegetation of the Rypienica channel documents the development of vegetation since the beginning of the Holocene until the younger part of the Subatlantic period. Holocene sediments record changes in the local vegetation of this peat-bog brought about by fluctuations in climate, changes in local hydrological conditions and the impact of human activity.Read More