Title: 2nd year Drosophila Developmental Genetics practical
Abstract:This is the teaching material for the <em>Drosophila</em> module of the Developmental Genetics RSM (research skills module) held at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health of The University of Man...This is the teaching material for the <em>Drosophila</em> module of the Developmental Genetics RSM (research skills module) held at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health of The University of Manchester each year. This practical course runs over 6 days and is organised and supervised by Andreas Prokop. This module has been taught and optimised over a few years. Emphasis is on: <em>1) Drosophila</em> as a model system in research 2) the use of fly genetics (transgenic approaches and mutations) in combination with histological techniques to study mechanisms of development 3) transferable skills including how to design figures and their legends, how to compose laboratory protocols and how to file data securely This module also shows how practical work can be intercalated with exercises on applied fly genetics training, thus filling gaps in experimental protocols with useful activities, enriching the learning outcome and enhancing the fundamental understanding of <em>Drosophila</em> as a model organism. To make this genetics training accredited even on large courses, a novel hybrid e-assessment strategy has been developed, and we regularly apply it on our courses (50-65 students). This e-assessment and its principal strategies have been published in the G3 journal and a test exam is available online (3rd link below). Please, submit any comments in the comment box below or contact me directly: Andreas.Prokop@manchester. ac.uk Note, that a Powerpoint presentation "Roote+Prokop-SupplMat-3.ppt" is required on this module. It can be accessed from the second link below. It is also directly linked out from the two manuals in this resource.Read More