Title: Légua tirana: sociedade e economia no alto sertão da Bahia. Caetité, 1890-1930
Abstract:This study analyzes the economic activities of export and internal market supply that developed in the high backlands of Bahia, its close links with other regions of Brazil and international trade.It ...This study analyzes the economic activities of export and internal market supply that developed in the high backlands of Bahia, its close links with other regions of Brazil and international trade.It lies between the period 1890 to 1930, at which time the economic policy of the new republican regime accelerated the penetration of financial capitalism in the country and encouraged the industrialization process in progress, especially the domestic textile industry.In this sense, reconstructs the social and economic life of farmers, traders and commission merchant companies that enriched with the production and trade of genres for export to domestic consumption and integrated into new opportunities for financial investment activities.Reconstitutes also trajectories of medium and small farmers, small traders and urban workers, integrated into the region's economy, caracterived by production for exportation and food.Thus, this research studies challenges faces the whole of Brazilian reality and generalizing their perspectives concealed for decades, possibilities of interpretation of other social, economic and cultural temporalities that developed in the interior regions of the vast Brazilian territory.For the purposes of this study, the recurrence for post mortem inventories was essential to the understanding of social and material life of social groups.However, a comparison of inventories with other sources (books reason for farmers, newspapers, family correspondence, local ordinances, and others) made it possible to expand the interpretation of the social experiences of residents.The sources of this study indicated the formation of estates in the region of distinct dimensions, which did not merely sell the surplus crop, but produced for export and to supply domestic markets.Its geographically peripheral location compared to the centers of the country's export, did not prevent its economy to keep it's prosperous activities linked to the world market.Crops for export, including livestock and food agriculture developed in different dimensions and properties held each other close and dynamic relationship.Read More