Title: Cativeiros em conflito: crimes e comunidades escravas em Campinas (1850-1888)
Abstract:This dissertation investigates slave communities in Campinas, Province de São Paulo, in the second half of the Nineteenth century.Through the analysis of depositions and interrogations of male and fem...This dissertation investigates slave communities in Campinas, Province de São Paulo, in the second half of the Nineteenth century.Through the analysis of depositions and interrogations of male and female slaves registered in different kinds of court documents -gathered in the Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo (AESP) -this study aims at understanding the social and affective dynamics involving such individuals, as well as the various experiences of skilled or unskilled workers, married or single enslaved men and women who lived in the area.Questioning the idea of an inescapable existence of solidarity and fellowship networks naturally arising from joined experiences of enslavement, this dissertation intends to analyze sometimes contradictory demonstrations of disputes, friendships, sexual and emotional attachment, companionship and competition registered in the documents.Read More
Title: $Cativeiros em conflito: crimes e comunidades escravas em Campinas (1850-1888)
Abstract: This dissertation investigates slave communities in Campinas, Province de São Paulo, in the second half of the Nineteenth century.Through the analysis of depositions and interrogations of male and female slaves registered in different kinds of court documents -gathered in the Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo (AESP) -this study aims at understanding the social and affective dynamics involving such individuals, as well as the various experiences of skilled or unskilled workers, married or single enslaved men and women who lived in the area.Questioning the idea of an inescapable existence of solidarity and fellowship networks naturally arising from joined experiences of enslavement, this dissertation intends to analyze sometimes contradictory demonstrations of disputes, friendships, sexual and emotional attachment, companionship and competition registered in the documents.