Title: The Structure and Texture of English Translations of Yorùbá and Igbo Proverbs
Abstract:Every culture has its rules of interaction and interpretation, and each also has rules for proverb construction and usage. As a literary genre, proverbs in Yorùbá and Igbo do possess some features tha...Every culture has its rules of interaction and interpretation, and each also has rules for proverb construction and usage. As a literary genre, proverbs in Yorùbá and Igbo do possess some features that identify them in their areas of usage. These we explore in this paper with particular emphasis on the structure and the texture that proverbs share in the two languages. With data collected from literary works and scholarly publications of Yorùbá and Igbo scholars, this study reveals that proverbs in the two languages have identical structure and texture with few optional items on both sides. This study concludes that proverbs probably have universal structures and textures as found in the two cultures.Read More