Title: The Advantages of “Teamwork” Approach during Personnel Management
Abstract:Creating management team is a long term process and we should have a well-defined goal when we start to work on this direction. Creating the team often occurs spontaneously, without any methodological...Creating management team is a long term process and we should have a well-defined goal when we start to work on this direction. Creating the team often occurs spontaneously, without any methodological assistance. Head of the organization makes decision to reunite its personal abilities with his deputies and advisors skills and creates a management team.Teamwork is a group of persons acting together as a team in which each person’s opinion and interest are subject unity and effectiveness of the team. This does not mean that the individual is no longer important. But this means that active and effective teamwork going beyond the borders of individual achievements. Teamwork is taken effective when every individual of the team is striving towards the common objective that is why teamwork became an important part of the culture of teamwork.Read More