Title: Leadership Effect on the Retention of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) Employees in Thailand
Abstract:This study examines the affect of leadership on the retention of employees in NGOs. Four Thai NGOs representing a variety of organizational types were selected as a case study: the Paveenahongsakul Fo...This study examines the affect of leadership on the retention of employees in NGOs. Four Thai NGOs representing a variety of organizational types were selected as a case study: the Paveenahongsakul Foundation, the Duang Prateep Foundation, the Potektueng Foundation, and the Chaipattana Foundation. They all work largely in the field of social and community development, with specific interests varying from: literacy, education, health, child and women welfare, environment, advocacy, animal welfare, volunteer promotion, etc. All of these NGOs are large enough to require skilled employees and an executive staff that is concerned about retaining these employees. This research aims to understand and critique the success factors for employee retention and examine if these factors hold true against the broad diversity of NGOs. In particular this study focuses on how leadership, which maintains the mission and vision of the NGO, impacts employee retention and what effect employee changeover has on maintaining mission and vision.Read More