Title: Comparative Analysis of Proximate, Minerals and Functional Properties of Tamarindus indica pulp and Ziziphusspina christi Fruit and Seed
Abstract:Proximate and mineral analysis, carbohydrate composition, functional properties and anti-nutritional factors of Tamarindus indica (L.) and Ziziphus spina christi seed and fruit were determined using s...Proximate and mineral analysis, carbohydrate composition, functional properties and anti-nutritional factors of Tamarindus indica (L.) and Ziziphus spina christi seed and fruit were determined using standard methods. Ziziphus spina christi seed was found to be rich in protein (24.07%) than Tamarindus indica pulp (7.64%) and Ziziphus spina christi fruit (8.23%). The crude fat content of all the samples, Tamarindus indica pulp (1.03%), Ziziphus spina christi fruit (1.94%), Ziziphus spina christi seed (1.24%) were low. High carbohydrate values, 56.00%, 58.02% and 35.25% were obtained for Tamarindus indica pulp and Ziziphus spina christi fruit and seed respectively. Meanwhile, the functional properties of Ziziphus spina christi fruit was relatively higher than the seed and Tamarindus indica pulp. Values obtained for dextrose, fructose, maltose and other sugars showed that they all contain an appreciable amount of sugar. The antinutritional factors depicted that they all contained low amount of oxalate, tannic acid, phytin phosphorus except the phytic acid, 5.74, 6.56, and 8.24 (mg/100g for Tamarindus indica pulp and Ziziphus spina christi fruit and seed respectively. The mineral analysis showed that the Ca Mg, and Fe contents of these samples were relatively high with Ziziphus spina christi seed having the highest value of Fe (58.53 mg/100g) compared with Tamarindus indica pulp (27.36 mg/100g) Ziziphus spina christi (39.96 mg/100g). The results generally indicated that T.indica pulp and Ziziphus spina christi fruit and seed were good sources of protein, mineral and energy foods and can be used in food formulation.Read More