Title: Mechanical Properties Of Multifunctional Epoxy resin/glass Fiber Reinforced Composites Modified with Poly(ether Imide)
Abstract:In the present paper effect of thermoplastic on various mechanical and thermal properties of multifunctional epoxy resin have been studied. Epoxy phenol novolac resin has been cured with hardner diami...In the present paper effect of thermoplastic on various mechanical and thermal properties of multifunctional epoxy resin have been studied. Epoxy phenol novolac resin has been cured with hardner diamino, diphenyl sulfone. Changes in mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy phenol novolac resin with engineering thermoplastic poly (ether imide) have been investigated. Specimens were prepared using different mixing orders for multifunctional epoxy resin with poly (ether imide). Effect on glass transition temperature (Tg) were observed by using DSC measurements. Variation in mechanical properties viz. Tensile strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus, interlaminar shear strength and impact strength have been observed. With the thermoplastic modification of thermoset matrix material, improvement in mechanical properties of epoxy-glass fiber reinforced composites have been expected. Changes in storage modulus and loss modulus of all specimens were also evaluated by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate the relationship between the morphological study of the fractured epoxy resins and mechanical properties of the modified epoxy resins and glass fiber reinforced composites. If the polymer matrix is fairly brittle (unmodified epoxy), there may be a corresponding reduction in mechanical properties. Incorporation of engineering thermoplastic Poly (ether-imide) has resulted in improvement of above stated mechanical properties. All results indicated that thermoplastic modified multifunctional epoxy resin proved to be a good matrix material which enhances the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced composites.Read More