Title: Trissolcus radjabii n.sp. (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), an egg parasitoid of the shield bug, Apodiphus amygdali (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae)
Abstract:Kozlov and Kononova (1983) classified 53 Palearctic species of the genus Trissolcus Ashmead into five groups. The presence of the hyperoccipital carina, convex frons, absence of notauli, and elongate ...Kozlov and Kononova (1983) classified 53 Palearctic species of the genus Trissolcus Ashmead into five groups. The presence of the hyperoccipital carina, convex frons, absence of notauli, and elongate postmarginal vein (longer than the stigmal vein) in the fore wing are characteristics delimiting the gonopsidis-group. These species differ from the flavipes-group only in the lack of notauli. Kozlov and Kononova placed three species in the gonopsidis-group: T. mentha Kozlov and Lê, T. gonopsidis (Watanabe), and T. elasmuchae (Watanabe). In a taxonomic study of the Trissolcus species of Korea and Japan, Ryu and Hirashima (1984) reported three other species with characteristics of the gonopsidis-group: T. nigripedius (Nakagawa), T. itoi Ryu and T. yamagishi Ryu. Most of these species are known only from Japan or Korea. Trissolcus elasmuchae has been observed in Ukraine and Russia as well as Japan, and T. mentha is known only from Uzbekistan. Trissolcus antakyaensis Doganlar was described recently as an egg parasitoid of the pentatomid Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda) from Turkey (Doganlar 2001). It, too, fits within this gonopsidis- group. The New World species of Trissolcus were divided into three groups (Johnson 1984, 1985a, 1985b); the thyantae, basalis, and flavipes groups of Johnson are roughly equivalent to the simoni, semistriatus, and flavipes groups of Kozlov and Kononova respectively. No species of gonopsidis and oobius groups of Kozlov and Kononova have been reported in New World fauna.Read More