Title: Modern Milliyetçilik Kuramları Açısından 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Fikir Akımları
Abstract:In this article; currents of thought developed in order to stop going worse of the Ottoman Empire crumbling at the end of the 19th century and to prevent the fragmentation of the Empire by ethnic nati...In this article; currents of thought developed in order to stop going worse of the Ottoman Empire crumbling at the end of the 19th century and to prevent the fragmentation of the Empire by ethnic nationalisms have been investigated in the framework of modern nationalism theories.Because currents of ideas but Westernizaton -Ottomanism, Islamism and Turkismin term of its contents are evaluated to be in the scope of contemporary nationalism literature, these ideas has been interpreted through the dichotomy of territorial (civil/western type) and ethnic (cultural / eastern type) nationalisms.The purpose of the review is to contribute to the explanation of the failure of territorial nationalisms promising rational political forms against powerful patterns of ethnic nationalisms that appeal to human nature.At the end of the review; the use of civil ideals of territorial nationalism by ethnic nationalisms, popularization of nationalism projects -internalization by public-, exploiting of ethnic nationalisms by strong states for the colonial aspirations, losing charm of the Empire for subcultures and besides that the lack of power to stop the separatist movement are emphasized for their importanceRead More