Title: The myth of the goddess of the undersea world and the tale of Empress Jingū’s subjugation of Silla
Abstract:Egami's horse-rider theory was first published in 1948, but a similar idea was earlier advocated by Oka Masao, Kida Teikichi, and others (see under "horse-rider theory" in the Kodansha Encyclopedia of...Egami's horse-rider theory was first published in 1948, but a similar idea was earlier advocated by Oka Masao, Kida Teikichi, and others (see under "horse-rider theory" in the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, Itasaka et a l .1983).Egami has revised his theory many times in response to the criticisms of Japanese historians, but it has been accepted by only a few Japanese academic historians such as M izunoRead More