Title: Revision of the Genus <I>Agaporomorphus</I> Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
Abstract:The Neotropical genus Agaporomorphus Zimmermann is revised. The genus includes five species, including three new species: A. mecolobus Miller, new species, A. dolichodactylus Miller, new species and A...The Neotropical genus Agaporomorphus Zimmermann is revised. The genus includes five species, including three new species: A. mecolobus Miller, new species, A. dolichodactylus Miller, new species and A. grandisinuatus Miller, new species. A key is presented for identification of the species. Agaporomorphus inaciculatus Guignot is transferred to the genus Hydrodytes Miller, new combination. Male and female genitalia and other taxonomically important features are illustrated. A phylogenetic analysis of the genus is presented.Read More