Title: Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, by Salim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley. Vol. 8. Warblers to Redstarts, £8; Vol. 9. Robins to Wagtails, £8.50; Vol. 10. Flowerpeckers to Buntings, £11.20. Oxford U.P.
Abstract:Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, by Salim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley. Vol. 8. Warblers to Redstarts, £8; Vol. 9. Robins to Wagtails, £8.50; Vol. 10. Flowerpeckers to Buntings, £11.20. Oxford...Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, by Salim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley. Vol. 8. Warblers to Redstarts, £8; Vol. 9. Robins to Wagtails, £8.50; Vol. 10. Flowerpeckers to Buntings, £11.20. Oxford U.P. - Volume 13 Issue 3Read More