Title: <i>Culex (Acallyntrum) miyagii</i>(Diptera: Culicidae): New Species from Seram Island, Indonesia, with Keys to the Species of the Subgenus
Abstract:Culex (Acallyntrum) miyagii is described as a new species from Seram Island, Indonesia. The adult male, female, pupa, and larva are described in detail, and illustrations of the male genitalia, pupa, ...Culex (Acallyntrum) miyagii is described as a new species from Seram Island, Indonesia. The adult male, female, pupa, and larva are described in detail, and illustrations of the male genitalia, pupa, and larva are provided. Cx. miyagii is a forest species breeding in inflorescences of Costus sp. (Costaceae). Keys are provided for identifying the females and 4th-instar larvae of the species of Acallyntrum.Read More